2020 Round 3

Start Date: August 27, 2020End Date: October 3, 2020
  • Name in bold font indicates the victor. Red font indicates elimination.
  • Player listed in first column bids first.
  • A positive bid value is influence given to the US. A negative value means influence given to the Russian.
  • Asterisk on Game number indicates a Note of Interest following the table.
SU = 18 US = 21
GameNamePower  NamePowerBidType/Turn
1Chris WSUvsAndre HUS1VP/6
2Owen KSUvsYannick MUS2VP/7
3George YUSvsCasey ASU2VP/3
4*Greg OUSvsChris YSU2VP/2
5*Craig RUSvsJullian DSU2DEFCON/7
6*Steven DSUvsPeter HUS2WG/9
7Sergey KSUvsMaive MUS2VP/5
8George KSUvsTony RUS2VP/8
9David AUSvsAllan JSU2VP/7
10Jason LSUvsRahul CUS2WG/8
11*Michael KiUSvsBrian LSU2VP=0/Final
12David ScSUvsPeter LUS2VP/8
13*Mike SUSvsJean-Louis DSU2VP/Final
14Randy BUSvsGalen LSU2Concession/7
15Roy RUSvsAran WSU2VP/4
16Wayne BSUvsMichael TUS2VP/5
17*Bruce MSUvsAl OUS2VP/7
18*Chris GUSvsDavid WSU2VP/8
19Derek LSUvsRon JUS2VP/6
20*Peter MSUvsGreg SUS2VP/Final
21Chris TSUvsVojtech KUS2VP/Final
22Carl ASUvsTim TUS2VP/6
23*David StUSvsMichael MiSU2DEFCON/3
24Nathan WSUvsTerry CUS2VP/6
25Roderick LUSvsTom DSU2VP/Final
26Antero KUSvsRich GSU2VP/Final
27Alex MSUvsKeith WUS2Concession/8
28*Drew DUSvsPaul SSU2DEFCON/6
29Sven CUSvsIvan KSU2VP/8
30*Andrew DSUvsAlan AUS3DEFCON/3
31Philip WSUvsPeter BUS2VP/Final
32*Peter PUSvsMichael McSU2VP/10
33Joseph LSUvsChris HUS2VP/4
34*Rob HUSvsAdam DSU2VP/Final
35Mark RSUvsBill StUS3Held Card/1
36Mike KaUSvsLeslie KSU2VP/8
37Ken GSUvsStephane CUS2VP/6
38Scott BSUvsSteve AUS2VP/5
39*Kirk HSUvsDaniel BUS2VP/4

Notes of Interest:

  • Game 4: On T2, US held all three scoring cards for net -18 VP.
  • Game 5: SU was down by 10 VP and caught in Bear Trap for 6 rounds (!!), but equalized after emerging. SU lost by accidentally playing ABM as Ops to coup at DEFCON2, rather than as event. Note: The PlayDek App apparently may not generate an explicit warning for this case.
  • Game 6: 1 card in the draw deck at the end of T7 kept almost all Mid/Early war cards out of play during the Late War.
  • Game 11: A rare tie in Final Scoring goes to the US. But still a tie for AREA rating.
  • Game 13: A 2 VP win with the SU holding a SALT-recovered Wargames for all of Turns 9 and 10, and VP near the edge of victory right up until Final Scoring.
  • Game 17: SU unable to net VPs on any regional scoring cards, but did manage to scrounge up 5 mil ops while under Cuban Missile Crisis !?!
  • Game 18: Fastest game of the tournament so far. 8:01 from reported bid to reported result.
  • Game 20: Final VP = 37.
  • Game 23: SU held CIA, UN; US held China; With DEFCON at 2, US played 5YP and found UN.
  • Game 28: CIA
  • Game 30: SU played 5YP and US pulled CIA from remaining 3 cards.
  • Game 32: US missed 4 rolls after a self-imposed Quagmire … giggity!
  • Game 34: Final VP =38 … one-upping Game 20.
  • Game 39: No Optionals.